2018 was a year of ups and downs. Some really great things happened, but it took some doing to get there. That’s the story of life though – right?! Just thought I should write down and celebrate a few accomplishments before they escape me.

1 – We conceived a baby!!
This may sound like an easy and fun task, but it’s not always as easy as it sounds. This process wasn’t easy for us. It involved lots of doctor appointments, an infertility support group, a year and a half of waiting, and a lot of heart break and tears a long the way. The fact that we have gotten to this point in pregnancy (I’m currently 30 weeks) is still a little surreal to me. I don’t think I’ll fully believe it until that little girl is healthy and safe in my arms. I can’t wait to meet her and I’m overjoyed to be pregnant!!
2 – Potty trained a two-year-old
This one doesn’t even sound like fun and it wasn’t – ha! In fact this has been by far my least favorite part of parenting so far. I tried potty training on my own right when Jack turned two and it was a hot mess. I felt like I had no idea what I was doing (and I didn’t). Then I read a book and thought I was an expert and tried again a few months later. It was much more successful then the first time (and I assure you I’m not the expert I thought I was) but we were still dealing with some a lot of pooping issues. It took more doctor appointments and a diet change to get all that figured out. Before the diet change, it really was out of my little guy’s control as he had a gluten sensitivity. Once the gluten was removed from his diet he was 100% potty trained and it was amazing what a difference that made. But let me tell you… it was a messy process to get to that point.
3 – Kept a fitness routine & get healthy This year being healthy was really important to me. At first, it was important because I wanted my body in the best shape possible to have a baby. I lost those extra baby pounds I put on with my first and then some! You can read about journey here. I also tried to get rid of as many toxins from the food I was eating, cosmetics I was putting on my body, and cleaning products that I was using. This included getting farm fresh grass fed meat and trying to eat more whole foods. Then I looked at my home and reduced the chemicals I use around the house and in cleaners/lotions/soaps/etc
After getting pregnant I didn’t want all the hard work I had done to be for nothing and I also wanted the best for my baby. So I’ve kept up my fitness routine thought out my pregnancy this far. I’ve also tried to stick to my clean-er lifestyle.
For me, my fitness routine included doing Orange Theory twice a week. If you haven’t heard of this it’s a high intensity interval training workout class that combines cardiovascular and strength training. It’s intense, but I LOVE it (and I’m not someone who loves to workout). They have been great working with me since becoming pregnant to modify the workouts for the different stages of pregnancy. I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to make it at the gym, but as of right now I don’t see myself stopping until the baby comes.
4 – Became a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate)
Volunteering and giving back to the community is something that I feel compelled to do. I just need it in my life to feel whole. I was doing Big Brothers Big Sisters but my little sister graduated high school a year and a half ago and we aged out of the program after 8 years of being matched. I still see her on a regular basis, but I felt called to do something new as my time with her wasn’t as needed.
So I decided to become a CASA. This involved a 20 hour training that had to be done in one month (March) and then they set you free to take on cases. I’ve worked with three children in the last year and it’s been a huge learning experience. I’ve learned a lot about how the system works and I’ve gained a lot of compassion for both birth parents who lose their children and for the foster parents who take care of the children. It’s hard on everyone – especially the children!
5 – Made a point to have work/life balance
Being a mom and running a business at the same time is no easy task. The first year of Jack’s life I felt like I was either failing at being a mom or failing at running a business. And sometimes both. I just couldn’t hit my strides.
Year two… I’ve got this! Most of the time – lol!
But seriously, I feel like I can do it all. I stay home with Jack on Tuesday/Thursdays and he goes to school on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. I treasure my Tuesday/Thursdays with Jack but I feel like I need my Monday/Wednesday/Fridays away from him to truly appreciate it. Plus I think daycare is SO good for him.
I’ve been better this year about scheduling less shoots on the weekends and having family time. September though mid-November was still nuts. But I think that is just part of being a photographer. You have a busy season and a slower season.
I’m currently enjoying this slower season to get ready for baby number two. And then my whole world will be blown up again while I figure out how to be a mom to two little ones and run a business. It’s a task I’m excited to take on!! 🙂
I hope you also had a great 2018. What where some of your highlights from the year? Leave them below in the comments. I would love to hear all about them!!
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